Lisa Pignotti - Recorder Instruction

Pignotti Music Studio of Austin, Texas

Email Me to Make Lesson Plans, or Call Us at (512) 873-8309

"I took voice lessons from Lisa and she is a very nice and encouraging teacher.
I am pretty new to the singing world and she is a great teacher for getting you started.
She puts on a couple of recitals a year and has informal music parties so that her students have something to work towards.
She focuses on singing musical numbers and pop/folk songs and encourages students to pick their own songs they would like to learn. "I am a mature (i think) adult who decided I wanted to learn to play an instrument and read music.
Knowing what a daunting task that can be, I chose to learn to play the recorder.
Then I found Lisa. She has made learning the recorder very fun and easier than it could have been on my own.
She tries to cater to your level and is conscious of your abilities.
So far, I have liked learning this new language of music and actually love practising.
I look forward to my lessons partly because of Lisa's teaching style.
She plays along with me sometimes and it actually helps me concentrate.
We have also managed a couple of duets that I also find encouraging.
Knowing that she teaches other instruments has peaked my interest in possibly learning something else.
For now, the recorder is enough. But, the future could hold other possibilities!"
- Amy B., Student, Austin, TX

I have added the recorder to my teaching. Many of my voice students come to me not knowing how to read music. Sight singing is very hard for a beginner. Something "hands on" is so much easier to learn how to read. The recorder is very easy. Getting a sound is easy and the so are the fingerings. Some people can't afford to buy an instrument and you can get a recorder for $5!

Everyone should have a music education. Singing is an instrument too, and it's a shame for singers not knowing how to read music. Classical singers do, but other styles of singing should too! Recorder is so much fun, so learning to read music is a pleasant experience.

Don't be a music illiterate!!

If somebody wants to study only recorder, that's fine, and great for young kids and adults.


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I enjoy and appreciate working with all of our students.

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